Elevate Trip 2011: Raleigh, North Carolina

We’re back!!!  It was a great trip, the best Elevate trip we have had so far.  God did amazing things.  Elevate saw…
  • 18 people saved
  • 17 people healed of various things
  • We held life groups every night while we were there and saw 15 visitors come each night.
  • Elevate also got to be a part of the first Celebration Service of Antioch Raleigh

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and support!  We really felt God with us.  People cried, felt the presence of God and the students experienced God in incredible ways.  It was a win all around!
I love you the most!
Aric Smith

Good News

Good News!  I’m officially out of my sling!  I still have rehab for another 6 weeks, but they say my arm is doing the best it has ever done coming out of surgery.  Thanks for the prayers and thoughts.  Continue to pray that my arm gets full motion and strength back.

More exciting news.  The cross is headed to North Carolina with Elevate, Antioch’s church training school.  I’ll be headed out October 24th and get back Halloween night!  We are very expectant and can’t wait to see what God will do.

I’ll try to send another update before we leave, but until then, here’s some prayer points…

1.  That God’s presence would be on the cross.
2.  That we’d be bold and share the Love of God with everyone.
3.  That my shoulder wouldn’t be a hindrance.

Check back for a play by play of pictures during the trip to North Carolina. (Oct 24th – 31st)

Aric Smith

Update on Aric

Hey guys,

Obviously, because of the surgery I haven’t been able to update y’all sooner. I’m doing well. The surgery was more intense then what they thought it was going to be. It ended being 2 hours and 30 minutes long! They put 2 new screws in my shoulder, and sewed my rotator cuff back together.

Physical therapy starts tomorrow, and they will tell us how much motion I’ve lost and how long it will take to get it back. Physical therapy in the past has been “slap-yo-mama” painful! Pray that God heals my arm and that we’ll be back to carrying the cross soon!

People have asked me if it was because of carrying the cross that I had to get surgery? The short answer is “no”, it doesn’t necessarily help it, but these are deep tissue tears from wear and tear over the years that are being repaired, and once healed they will not stop me from walking with the cross. And walking with the cross won’t cause me to need more surgery in the future.

Thank you for all your prayers and support,

He likes ya, and He loves ya!
Aric Smith

ps Angry Birds has been a lifesaver in this season

Ireland Trip

Thank you so much for being a part of carrying the cross and believing in us.  We are planning on having many more trips to come and we would love for you to be a part and follow along.

The following post is an update from Aric's recent Ireland Trip in which Aric and Matt Wilson traveled to Ireland to carry the cross.  This was a 14 day trip in which they saw God move in powerful ways.  The following are some of the highlights...

1.  They got to walk with the cross in the Tall Ships Festival in Waterford Ireland.  80,000 people attended the opening of the Tallships festival and they had 300,000 people on the busiest day.  Aric said it was people as far as the eye could see as they carried the cross and preached the gospel.  I beleive he said they walked and shared for about 10 hours. 

2.  They were then taken in by a Christian Amish family and spent the night with them.

3.  They walked on to Wexford and then were picked up by other Amish believers who took them to Wales and England.  In Wales they walked with the cross for two hours and led a man to the Lord. 

4.  They then got to walk with the cross for a few hours in England and encountered a woman who was significantly touched by the love of Jesus.

5.  On the second day they walked with the cross they met a 20 year old German man who came to Ireland to find God.  He has been traveling with them preaching the gospel since they met him  Aric and Matt have been discipling him.

6.  They have seen about 12 people pray to receive Jesus so far.  Many more people have heard the gospel and experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit.  They shared the full gospel with at least 200 people; Praise God 

All for the Love of Jesus,

Welcome to “Follow the Cross”

Welcome to “Follow the cross”.  I want to invite you to join my journey of watching Jesus change the nations through the power of his love displayed through the cross.  I will be sharing videos, pictures, stories and our itinerary so that you can pray for us and then rejoice in what he is doing.   Thanks for stopping by and I pray that the love of God, the grace of Jesus and the friendship of the Holy Spirit be with you.