Let us Shine

Be what people need, don’t be another hollow voice adding to the chaos. Allow Gods voice and power echo through your own. Take up your Cross and change lives!

For some people we will be the only expression of Jesus they will ever have! Let’s love with all of our hearts. Let us forgive and be careful how we respond and treat others. Let us live the life Christ gave us with a passion and resolve that burns up anger and hate with mercy and kindness. Let Christ shine through your actions.

The gospel through Magnets

I decided to make a video on the gospel with stuff I found laying around my Mother-in-laws house ????

Try something different at work, home or in your social life! be bold let people know who you belong too! Don’t hold back anymore let the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire you! It’s time to show people who you really are!

Story of Man

Jesus Loves you! You can trust him he will not let you fall. Here is a simple illustration of what God did for us & what happens when we give our lives to Christ! You can do this Illustration with anyone just get some glass cups a pint of bleach some iodine & water ???? and your ready to rock and roll ????

May you know the Love of God the Grace of Jesus & the Friendship of the Holy Spirit ????


Jesus loves you & it’s time for the world to see our love for him! Let’s let the whole world ???? know who Jesus is & what He has done for us through the cross! Let’s step out & start proclaiming Christ boldly. Here is an example of something you can do on social media.

Get creative & share what Christ has done

Columbia Video

My trip to Armenia, Columbia was amazing! God moved, Jesus’ love was proclaimed and people were saved and healed. God is good, He loves the people of Columbia, and He loves you too!

I also had the privilege of getting to know a precious brother in the Lord, Alejandro, check out this story below…  

Hoy Dios me regaló un hermoso encuentro…seguía a Aric por redes sociales y admiraba su ministerio. Muchas veces me pregunté por qué yo no podía hacer algo semejante. Tambien le dije a Dios como impactaría un hombre como Aric a mi amada tierra …Armenia. 

Cuando una tarde decidí saludarle por redes sociales y me animé a preguntarle cuando vendría a Colombia, no lo podía creer cuando me contestó que lo haría en éste Mayo….pero más consternado me puse cuando me contó que vendría a Colombia y si; en mayor bendición a mi tierra Quindiana en un viaje misionero con otros hermanos de la iglesia de Antioch quienes  ya nos habían bendecido con su visita. Si…. Dios confirmó el gran propósito de Dios para con Aric. Armenia sería impactada con su mensaje…el mensaje de la salvación de nuestro amado Jesucristo. 

Hoy para completar uno de los regalos que Dios quería darme lo ví en mi iglesia. Tímidamente me le acerqué y le dije que yo le seguía en Facebook. Ví sus ojos brillar de alegría al recordar mi nombre y después de un abrazo y en una tímida conversación limitada por el idioma y la traducción de mi hijo pudimos decirle lo mucho que como familia admiramos su ministerio . Fue tan emocionante que nuestros ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.

Quiero confirmarte Aric… Ésta tierra necesita de tu testimonio impactante y Dios te ha traído para IMPACTAR…si para impactarla y regar la semilla que muchos otros segaremos a su tiempo. 

Que ésta no sea ni la primera ni la última vez que vengas a visitarnos….Cuenta conmigo como tu amigo y compañero de oración…como me gustaría que me enseñarás  a hacer lo que haces . Te amamos en Jesús.

Alejandro y Familia

Today God gave me a beautiful meeting … I followed Aric through social networks and admired his ministry. Many times I wondered why I could not do something like that. I also told God how a man like Aric would impact my beloved land … Armenia.

When one afternoon I decided to greet him by social networks and I was encouraged to ask him when he would come to Colombia, I could not believe when he answered that I would do it in this May …. but more dismayed I put myself when he told me that he would come to Colombia and yes; In greater blessing to my Quindian land on a missionary journey with other brothers of the Antioch church who had already blessed us with their visit. Yes …. God confirmed God’s great purpose for Aric. Armenia would be impacted with its message … the message of the salvation of our beloved Jesus Christ.

Today to complete one of the gifts that God wanted to give me I saw in my church. I timidly approached him and told him that I was following him on Facebook. I saw his eyes shine with joy at the memory of my name and after a hug and in a timid conversation limited by the language and the translation of my son we could tell him how much we admire his family as a family. It was so exciting that our eyes filled with tears.

I want to confirm you Aric … This land needs your impactful testimony and God has brought you to IMPACT … if to impact it and water the seed that many others will reap in time.

Let this be neither the first nor the last time you come to visit us …. Count on me as your friend and prayer partner … as I would like you to teach me to do what you do. We love you in Jesus.

Alejandro and Family

Featured in France

Just saw this cool Instagram story about my time in DC…in a French magazine!

Local Time : 04:28 pm Aric Smith, un Texan de 37ans voyage depuis 8 ans avec cette croix sur le dos pour partager sa foi et offrir à celui qui s'arrête de bonnes ondes et quelques prières. Depuis hier soir, il circule autour de la Maison Blanche, peu importe le résultat pour protéger le futur président des Etats-Unis. Square du General Jackson, Maison Blanche, Washington DC, 8 Novembre 2016, à quelques heures de découvrir le visage du 45ème Président des Etats-Unis ! ・・・ “Live” photo des présidentielles américaines avec @Simon.Guillemin sur l’Instagram de #PolkaMagazine. Suivez en direct de Washington D.C., les dernières heures de cette élection et les résultats. #Vote #ElectionDay #ElectionsAmericaines #Elections #President #PresidentialElection #Candidat #Candidate #Election2016 #ElectionUSA #ElectionCampaign #DonaldTrump #HillaryClinton #USA #WashingtonDC #PolkaMagazine #SimonGuillemin #Hanslucas

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