Follow the Cross, Spring edition

Hey guys, first of all we want to say “We love you!”and we hope you enjoy our pics. These are some from our last few trips. We’ve been to Kansas, Dallas, Houston, Bryan-College Station, Colorado (twice), and Florida (twice). I have had the opportunity to speak a lot in churches and training schools over the last few months, and Juliegh’s also been able to travel, lead worship and speak. All this has been an amazing blessing, God is on the move, and we are so excited to get to be a small part of it. The last season has been full of people coming to the cross, crying, repenting, and worshiping God. I can never say it enough, but Thank You for all your prayers, and your support. You guys are really with us every step of the way. May the Love of God fall on us this next season.

Carrying the Cross in Dallas with some of the training school guys
Awaken Miami (mission trip with the Orlando church)

Our whole family got to go and be apart of a mission trip with Antioch Orlando to Miami. We carried the cross, did dramas, music, and dance, we had a blast! One sweet story, while we were on campus, a student saw the cross, started crying and ran up to one of the girls on our team. She said she had woke up and wondered if God loved her and would ever forgive her. She said when she saw the cross, she felt the love of God deep in her heart. She wanted to know who we were, and then she said “I want you to know, today will forever be the day, that I know God loves me.” Isn’t God great?! He is always longing to show us how much He loves us!

Walking with the Cross in Fort Collins, Colorado (Yeah, Snow!)

Carrying the cross downtown in Lawrence, Kansas

Our whole family went together to Lawrence, Kansas where we got to speak at the church and their training schools. It was a really powerful time. We got to share the Love of God, people cried, and we also got to connect with old friends.

Cool pic, walking in Waco

Thank you for supporting our family!

The last few months have been full of God’s favor. He’s been opening doors and giving us new opportunities to reach others with the message of the cross. We also have some exciting news! We have been asked to be part of a summer team that will minister to the Syrian refugees in Athens, Greece. During this time Juliegh and I will be working with the refugees in Athens as well as carrying the cross. We will also get to travel with the cross to some of the other countries in Europe that are working with the refugees as well. It should be an amazing time. We will send out another update soon with more details on how to be a part of this next great adventure with us. So keep an eye out!

We love you guys, we couldn’t do this without you.
Blessings and Love,

Aric, Juliegh, Riah, and Kanon

Jesus is on the move!

Hey guys!
It’s been a great summer, full of our kids learning how to swim, going to VBS , Me carrying the cross in the Dominican Republic (DR) and Juleigh and I just got to celebrate our 10 year anniversary  Plus, we have finally gotten our non-profit, Follow the Cross, up and running (more on that in a later blog post). For now, here are some pics from this summer, along with some stories of what God’s been doing.

We are Celebrating our 10 year Anniversary

Dominican Republic (DR)

I got the wonderful opportunity to join our Dallas church plant in taking the trip to the DR. Where we got to carry the cross, do children ministry, pray for the sick and encourage our long term team there. It was one of my best trips yet. We saw around 25 people give their lives to Jesus, and 10 people healed! Jesus is on the move in the Dominican!

Most of the days we spent on the streets, praying for people and sharing the Gospel
We spent a day in this village doing children’s ministry; they were so sweet.

Cool Testimony

While we were at this outreach, my friends and I were carrying the cross in the village. We were invited under a pavilion, to share what we were doing with the cross, to a group of Haitians. While we were sharing, one of the women that was translating for us, asked if it was normal for her to have pain in her heart and throat when she prayed to Jesus? I felt like God said, “Say, come out, in Jesus name”. So I did. My translator didn’t even have time to translate. As soon as I laid my hand on her and said “Come out in Jesus name” she screamed, flew back, and fell like she was dead (seriously, it was crazy). All the Haitians screamed (they had no idea what was going on, since she was their translator). It was so intense. After about 5 minutes, she wakes up, with tears in her eyes. She starts telling all the Haitians how Jesus had set her free from a demon and that now she could pray, without pain. While she was testifying, a man walked up and said “I don’t want to do bad things anymore.” We laid our hands on him, the Holy Spirit came on him, and he started weeping, and he gave his life to Jesus. Praise God!

We got the amazing opportunity to share Jesus with these women that were working a salon. They laid their hands on the cross, and we prayed together that God would provide for them and their families.

Riah and Kanon’s first day back to school! Kindergarten and Second grade, here we come!
Here’s a goofy pic of us getting to hangout with some of our friends. This summer has been a blast We got to meet with Jesus, spend time with our friends, and get re-envisioned for this next season. God is on the move, and it is exciting that we get to be a part of what He is doing in our nation, and the nations of the world.
More than ever, I feel God is saying that is time to walk the earth with the cross. I feel so envisioned, and I feel like the power of God is moving in a new way on the cross. He is giving me new opportunities to share the message, that God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. That whoever believes in Him, will not die, but have everlasting life.
Again, I can’t say it enough, thank you for walking with me on this journey. I couldn’t take one step without you guys. Let’s do this together. Let’s take the cross to different nations of the world.
Love you all,
Aric, Juleigh, Riah, and Kanon

April Showers bring May Flowers!

Hey Guys! We wanted to say Thank You for all your prayers and support. You guys are with us every step of the way! We love each of you.  Check out the pics from the last 2 months.

In this Blog:

  • March, trip to Raleigh, North Carolina
  • April, two Week cross walk and Good Friday Outreach
  • Family Update, birthdays, school and fun
  • Car Crash (and need…give here)

                      RAIN & SLEET
The last few months have been very cold and wet, but God’s been with us every step of the way. 
(The pic on the right is from the front page of the Baylor Lariat, where Aric was featured, check it out here)

The Original CrossFit
We got the awesome opportunity, again, to carry the cross with our church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Here are some pics from that trip. 
Hanging out at the steps of the capital
Carrying the cross downtown 
It was such a good trip, we got to share the gospel and pray for so many people. I personally had a blast, the city and people were so refreshing and it was really hard to leave.
We kicked off April with a two week walk, ending in a outreach in Bellmead on Good Friday. We handed out candy and flyers inviting people to the Easter service. We had a great time, it was fun having so many people out there sharing God’s love.
 It was a blast getting to be with the kids and sharing Jesus with people. 
One highlight for the kids was getting to carry their own cross through the streets.
Family Corner

Riah rode a donkey to the Grand Canyon. It’s amazing what kids can do when they put their mind to it.
The last year has been quite eventful for Riah. She graduated from Kindergarten, turned 6, lost her first tooth. Even as you read this, she’s mastering the ancient art of hula hoop. 
Kanon, first 3 year old on the moon.
Kanon turns 4 in July and he’ll be starting Pre-K in the Fall. He is currently mastering the art of cart wheels, and is constantly showing off his speed and crazy kung fu skills. He is never one to back down from an adventure!

Car Trouble

Hey guys, last month I was in an accident. Praise God no one was hurt, but the same cannot be said for the car.   We can still drive it but we really need a new one. 
We are currently saving money in order to buy a new car. We have some money saved up, and we are looking for another $6,000. Would you pray about partnering with us through a one-time gift? You can give online HERE

Holy Portland Batman!

The World doesn’t even know whats coming!

 Kanon’s first Cross

WE had a great time in Portland! It was a harder trip with all the rain and cold but despite the weather people were so open to Jesus! People ran out of their house to bless us and we got to pray with people on the streets.  It was really sweet.
 One story that has marked me is of a homeless woman who has had a really hard life. When we stopped to talk to her she looked at me and asked if she could just touch the Cross. I said Yes for sure. and then she reached in her jacket pocket.  She continued sharing ” I love Jesus” and then she pulled out a little statue of baby Jesus from a nativity set.  She said I keep it with me always and I talk to Jesus all the time. She then reached out so gently like the Cross was made of glass and touched it. She asked us if we could pray for her and her husband so they could get off the streets and turn their lives around. It was one of the sweetest things I’ve ever gotten to be  part of.  It was amazing to see a life so broken but still trusting in Jesus! 

 Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! After doing the Math an estimated 45000 people got a chance to see the Cross! May the love of God pour all over Portland! 

Sharing at Our Church in Portland (The Door)

Lets face it I’ve got the best job ever. 
This is one of the Dorrohs precious children.  The Dorrohs have laid down their lives for Portland.  I’m truly honored to be their friends. 

My friend Zach carrying the Cross with me in Portland.  He is fearless and loves Jesus.

Who knew Ninjas loved Jesus

This is my good friend Charles Halley.  As much as I want him to be a ninja he his not.  At least I dont think he is? it was just silly cold that Day!

My friend Kyle & his new Cross

Kyle is from Dallas and he carries a Cross also. Joel Strickland and I got the honor of building him a Cross! May the love of Jesus rest on all who see it! God Bless you Kyle

Best birthday gift ever!

 That’s right it’s a Batman Snuggie

  The first day i tried to fight crime in my Bat Snuggie  it didn’t  go so well actually!
Follow the Cross

We Love you Guys.
Words cannot express how much all of you mean to us! Thank you so much for being with us on this Journey!

Days of Thunder: Cross Edition

this is not my hair believe it or not!

Hey guys, its been a little while since our last update. Let me get you up to speed on the last few months.

This summer has been full of tears, salvation, and laughter. It started by transitioning out of working with Day Elevate. After 4.5 amazing years of investing in the lives of students we felt God was leading us to focus full-time on carrying the cross. This means that we’ll be staying in Waco and living on full-time support. Since we are no longer receiving a stipend from Elevate, we will need to raise support to make up for that loss (more details on how to give below). We are so excited to see Jesus change the nations by the power of His love displayed through the cross.

Summer of the Cross


At the beginning of summer I felt led by the Lord to walk with the cross 50 times. It took Me 70 days to complete and has been some of the hardest and sweetest times yet walking with the cross. If i could some it up in 2 words it would be SALVATION and TEARS! Below we have some pictures we wanted to share with you from this time.

The best part of waking up is the cross! (take that Folgers)
Just a few friends who were able to carry the cross with Aric

Celebrating the last day of walking 50 days with the cross!
Jump Camp
This summer Me and Juleigh were given the wonderful privilege of speaking at Antioch’s Jump Camp, a summer camp for the junior high group. We were so touched by their openness to God and their response to the cross and Juleigh’s message. There was lots of laughter and tears

Hands down one of the most fun things we’ve gotten to do!
San Diego
I just got back last week from hanging out with All People’s Church in San Diego, California. I got the wonderful opportunity to speak in the training schools, with 2 college services, and carry the cross around town and on the campus.
God is doing powerful things, the church is just on fire with His presence. People were so open to the love of God and the message of the cross. We saw salvations, people cried, we got to share the Gospel like crazy, it was awesome to get to be a small part of what God is doing there.
Blasting San Diego State with Jesus!

The college ministry is on fire at All People’s Church
Zero gravity with the cross!

Giving Info

As promised, here are the details on how to be part of our support team. 

Thank you so much for all that you give.
Without your prayers and support we wouldn’t be able to carry the cross.
  Our support has been down for a while, please pray about joining our financial team.  
We would love to meet with you or any of your friends who may be interested.  
Please don’t hesitate to email me with any comments or questions at…   
We love all of you so much, thanks for being a part of all that we do.
Aric, Juleigh, Nariah, Kanon
 interested in being a monthly supporter, see Tax Deductible Donations on the side!

Russian Spies, Large Camels and Tennessee

In our last official job, Juleigh and I were Russian (Soviet Union Kremlin) spies doubling as ice skaters.
We won bronze!


Juleigh and the biggest camel that I ever saw…No really,
I think his dad was a bear.

We just celebrated Riah’s 5th birthday!
(she’s the most beautiful 5 year old ever!)

We took a cross trip to Houston the week before Easter!  
We had a really sweet time.  Over the course of several days people were touched, they cried, I cried, we got to share the love of God and Jesus moved.  It was a really powerful time for me personally. 
(I have the best job in the whole world)

Knoxville, Tennessee!

We took a cross trip to an Antioch church plant in Tennessee.  The church plant is on fire there!  God is doing great things.  It was such a blessing to be a small part of what God is doing in Knoxville.  Multiple college students, guys and girls got to carry the cross through their local college campus.  God showed up, people were touched and many got ministered to.  
We also got to speak Sunday morning and evening at Antioch Knoxville.  Sunday morning I spoke on the love of God gave a call to come to the cross.  The response was incredible and sincere as people were crying, coming forward and kneeling before the cross.  I was so blown away and excited that God  was using us.
Sunday evening Juleigh spoke on the person of the Holy Spirit.  It was a really powerful time as people began to rush out of their seats, experience the Holy Spirit and step out in the gifts God is giving them.
It has been so much fun to ride on the coattails of those who have pioneered in Knoxville for so long.  This has been one of the most powerful cross trips yet!
Thank you so much for all that you give.
Without your prayers and support we wouldn’t be able to carry the cross.
  Hey family, our support has been down for a while and recently have had some supporters who are not able to continue on with us.  Right now we are really needing to raise support, please pray about joining our financial team.  We would love to meet with you or any of your friends who may be interested.  Please don’t hesitate to email me with any comments or questions at…   
We love all of you so much, thanks for being a part of all that we do.
Aric, Juleigh, Nariah, Kanon

If you’re interested in being a monthly supporter, see Tax Deductible Donations on the side!

Modeling, Cowboys and Creole for Lent

My friend sent me this picture a few months ago. It’s actually a business card that is being used now. I did a photo shoot for this company years ago. It still makes me laugh. I thought’d I’d share the joy with you. Notice the sparkle in the teeth.
Yes that is me back in my modeling days and yes I am a paid model.

Cowboy up Kanon

Kanon’s gone Country!

Cross Business

Hey guys! God is doing really cool stuff!
 A man stopped us recently and said, “Ya’ll aren’t going to believe this!!! I had a dream of a man carrying a cross, now here you are!” We prayed for him and he was blessed. Come to find out, he ran into work and told his co-workers the whole story. It just so happened that one of his co-workers is a life group leader here at Antioch who invited him to life group and he went. 
In the last few weeks we’ve been able to pray and talk with 10-20 people that are open and hungery for Jesus. We’ve also been hearing many stories of how blessed people feel when they see the cross.
Please keep praying that God would use us and give us opportunities to share His love. 

The Cross Loves Haiti!


For a tax deductible donation or to give and/or support us monthly, follow the instructions in the sidebar.
Here are some pics from out last trip there!

Love you guys.  Lets stay in touch!

Aric, Juleigh, Riah and Kanon.

Gorilla’s, horses and bridges…welcome to 2013

Sharing Jesus with people who ride gorilla’s, has it ever happened?  It has now.  Here’s a picture of Juleigh sharing the love of Jesus with a local gorilla rider.  Hey, gorilla riders need Jesus too.

In the meantime I’ve taken up horse riding.  Billy the kid has nothing on me. Wild Bill eat your heart out.  Lone Ranger, you wish.

Now in all seriousness, here’s a picture of my current extended family.  Elevate: Class of 2012 – 2013. School is thriving.  This year has been so much fun.  God is doing great things in the midst of us.  I’m so blessed to be a part of Elevate.  Man I love these Guys!

Just turned 34.  Here’s a pic of me celebrating with some of my best friends. Yes, I rock at laser tag.

Lifting up the name of Jesus on the highest bridge in Waco.  That’s right…the new Hwy 6 to I-35.  Had a dream Jesus was showing a driver on the highway the Father’s love through seeing the cross as he was passing by.  Do it Lord Jesus.

This brave and mighty man is CJ who took on the beast of Hwy 6 with me.  I’m so thankful for him he’s a good friend.  Bless you CJ.

Would you pray about walking with us through prayer and financial support in 2013?  We love ya’ll, may you have a blessed year.  May the lord show you how long, how high, how deep is the love of God really is and at last that you may be filled to the measure of all of the fullness of God.
Practical Needs

  • Please pray that God would send hungry, desperate people to us while we carry the cross.
  • Financially we still need about $400 per month to meet our current needs.
Thank you so much for being a part of journey and our lives.  We love you so much.
Love Aric, Juleigh, Nariah and Kanon

The Cross is Adopting!

Adoption News

Great News!!! We just got news that we can travel to Ghana to meet our little one.  We leave this Thursday, February 2nd, 2012.  We still need $5,000 (needed by Thursday!!!) Hallelujah!
Cross News
It looks like we will be there from the beginning of February to March 15th.  While we’re there, we will be carrying the cross and sharing God’s love
There might be a few chances to carry the cross in neighboring countries, we’ll see.
Prayer Points
  • We still need $5,000 (needed by Thursday!!!) Hallelujah!
  • Please pray that we get our I-600A application approved quickly (within 1st week)!
  • Pray that God’s power is on me while I carry the cross

Exciting Times!

The Saga Ends?
My shoulder is getting better and hopefully we can close the door to this past season soon, Praise God.
Super News! (Ghana Adoption)
It looks like we might get to go to Ghana soon to meet our new little one for the first time.  We are so excited we just can’t stand it.(We still need $8,000, but we are very encouraged and feel God is on the move).  We also thought that this would be a good opportunity to carry the cross in Ghana and share the love of Christ with everything that moves, Ha!
The Cross is headed to Jordan!
We are headed with the Elevate team to JORDAN! We are planning on being there for about 16 days in May.  New updates as we get closer to follow.

Main Prayer Requests

  • $8,000 for Ghana Adoption
  • That our adoption would be completed soon
  • Complete shoulder healing and recovery
Enjoy the pics of our family and the cross in Waco!  We love and value you.  Thank you so much for your time and support.  God’s with you.