Last few months

Belgium ?? & Paris ?? Video with a Prophetic word ?

A Prophetic Word over the EU (European Union 🇪🇺)We lifted up the Cross in front of the EU and asked for the Power of God to Fall!

Posted by Aric Smith on Thursday, October 19, 2017

Paris France ??

Juleigh wrote a new song it’s really sweet! Here’s the rough draft ?

Posted by Aric Smith on Thursday, October 26, 2017

Antioch Houston

Got to hanging out with Antioch Houston this guys are on fire for Jesus.

Fort Collins

Double Cross Explosion ?

I made a Cross for Antioch Fort Collins. AntiochColorado State University with Antioch Fort Collins

Jesus said when I Am lifted up I will draw all men to myself! We love you, thank you for your prayer’s? & For Financially ? backing us! We couldn’t do it with out your help! Me & Kanon Comic book styleCarrying the Cross with Grace House! These ladies love Jesus like Crazy we had a blast! That day was ridiculously hot?Canada ??

While we were in Detroit we took the Cross into Canada ! People were so open and we got to share Jesus like crazy This Summer was awesome! We were in Michigan for 4 weeks to help out Antioch Ann Arbor. They are one of the sweetest authentic churches I get to be a part of I straight up love this Church.

Where’s Next?

Spending time with family and enjoying the Holidays!

I love y’all! May Christ give you more than you can hold!

Jesus Loves You!

Here’s a 3 minute clip

of me sharing in Colorado about the love of God. at ministry time my friend prayed for a girl’s knee and it was totally  healed!

Jesus is there for you,  you can trust Him. Jesus won’t let you down come to him with your needs!

Columbia Video

My trip to Armenia, Columbia was amazing! God moved, Jesus’ love was proclaimed and people were saved and healed. God is good, He loves the people of Columbia, and He loves you too!

I also had the privilege of getting to know a precious brother in the Lord, Alejandro, check out this story below…  

Hoy Dios me regaló un hermoso encuentro…seguía a Aric por redes sociales y admiraba su ministerio. Muchas veces me pregunté por qué yo no podía hacer algo semejante. Tambien le dije a Dios como impactaría un hombre como Aric a mi amada tierra …Armenia. 

Cuando una tarde decidí saludarle por redes sociales y me animé a preguntarle cuando vendría a Colombia, no lo podía creer cuando me contestó que lo haría en éste Mayo….pero más consternado me puse cuando me contó que vendría a Colombia y si; en mayor bendición a mi tierra Quindiana en un viaje misionero con otros hermanos de la iglesia de Antioch quienes  ya nos habían bendecido con su visita. Si…. Dios confirmó el gran propósito de Dios para con Aric. Armenia sería impactada con su mensaje…el mensaje de la salvación de nuestro amado Jesucristo. 

Hoy para completar uno de los regalos que Dios quería darme lo ví en mi iglesia. Tímidamente me le acerqué y le dije que yo le seguía en Facebook. Ví sus ojos brillar de alegría al recordar mi nombre y después de un abrazo y en una tímida conversación limitada por el idioma y la traducción de mi hijo pudimos decirle lo mucho que como familia admiramos su ministerio . Fue tan emocionante que nuestros ojos se llenaron de lágrimas.

Quiero confirmarte Aric… Ésta tierra necesita de tu testimonio impactante y Dios te ha traído para IMPACTAR…si para impactarla y regar la semilla que muchos otros segaremos a su tiempo. 

Que ésta no sea ni la primera ni la última vez que vengas a visitarnos….Cuenta conmigo como tu amigo y compañero de oración…como me gustaría que me enseñarás  a hacer lo que haces . Te amamos en Jesús.

Alejandro y Familia

Today God gave me a beautiful meeting … I followed Aric through social networks and admired his ministry. Many times I wondered why I could not do something like that. I also told God how a man like Aric would impact my beloved land … Armenia.

When one afternoon I decided to greet him by social networks and I was encouraged to ask him when he would come to Colombia, I could not believe when he answered that I would do it in this May …. but more dismayed I put myself when he told me that he would come to Colombia and yes; In greater blessing to my Quindian land on a missionary journey with other brothers of the Antioch church who had already blessed us with their visit. Yes …. God confirmed God’s great purpose for Aric. Armenia would be impacted with its message … the message of the salvation of our beloved Jesus Christ.

Today to complete one of the gifts that God wanted to give me I saw in my church. I timidly approached him and told him that I was following him on Facebook. I saw his eyes shine with joy at the memory of my name and after a hug and in a timid conversation limited by the language and the translation of my son we could tell him how much we admire his family as a family. It was so exciting that our eyes filled with tears.

I want to confirm you Aric … This land needs your impactful testimony and God has brought you to IMPACT … if to impact it and water the seed that many others will reap in time.

Let this be neither the first nor the last time you come to visit us …. Count on me as your friend and prayer partner … as I would like you to teach me to do what you do. We love you in Jesus.

Alejandro and Family

8 Years of Follow the Cross

Happy New Year its been 8 wonderful years of carrying the Cross. reposting this video in HD so you can see the pics better. Love you Guys!

8 Years

Happy New Year its been 8 wonderful years of carrying the Cross. reposting this video in HD so you can see the pics better. Love you Guys!

Posted by Aric Smith on Saturday, December 31, 2016

Join our Team!

Updated March 29, 2017

The 30 For 30 Challenge 

Only 20 spots to go! 

We live on and run our ministry through the support and generosity of others. You can be a part of our team through prayer and financial support of our non-profit organization “Follow the Cross”. Right now we are looking for 30 people (10 down, 20 to go) to join our giving team at $30/month (or $360 annually). To join our monthly support or give a one-time gift follow this link here.
8 years
I can’t believe it has been 8 years! Words can’t express how thankful I am for all your prayers and support. You have been with me every step of the way. Together we can change the nations by the power of the love of Jesus displayed through the cross.

Here are some pics from my last few trips. Enjoy!!!

Falling for Jesus

Thank you so much for walking with us. The last several months have been a blast! Here are some pics and updates on the adventures God has taken us on since out last post. We appreciate all your prayers, love, and support, we couldn’t do this without you guys.


Detroit/Ann Arbor


My time in Michigan was so sweet, the Antioch church that I was working with is on fire for Jesus and their training school is amazing. We carried the cross through the streets of Ann Arbor and Detroit. I was blown away by how open the people were. Once again I’m reminded, that looks can be deceiving, Jesus is on the move.
Dominican Republic pt II


That’s right, I headed back to the DR (Dominican Republic) this summer, but this time with my family. We were there for 27 days, partnering with ICM (Iglesia Comunidad Multicultural, a sister church of Antioch’s), and some US Antioch churches who had sent teams to the DR as well. It was a really powerful time, a lot of people gave their lives to Jesus and I even got to be on 5 different news channels, sharing the love of Christ. On longer trips like these, I am reminded of the reality of the cross, what Jesus went through for us. There is no place He wouldn’t go.
(the video above is just from my phone, not from the news cast)


Los Angeles



While in California we visited Fullerton, LA, Venice Beach, and Hollywood. My time in the City of Angels was intense! In downtown LA we saw Jesus move on the streets, people cried, we cried, we got to pray for people and share the love of Jesus. At Venice Beach the gloves were off to say the least, we were walking through crowds of thousands, it was straight rough, lots of people were really angry, yelling and saying things their mother taught them not to say. In the midst of all the persecution, there were still open people that were hurting and needing a touch from Jesus that we got to pray for and share Jesus’ love with, we just had to keeps our eyes open.




Utah was such a great trip. We got to walk all through Salt Lake City, share the gospel, pray for people, and lift the cross up over the entire city. One sweet story, a couple saw me carrying the cross, stopped their car to take pictures, and I  asked if I could pray for them. When I started praying, the woman began to cry, really hard. After I was done praying, she said she had seen me and they had driven back to talk to me. She said a couple days before, her ex-husband had passed away. The night he passed away, she couldn’t sleep. She could only hear his voice, saying “It’s time to get right with Jesus.” As she told me this, she began to cry. She said, “I love Jesus, and I believe He’s real.”
People are hungry and searching for something real, I’m so honored that I get to be a part of showing people what Jesus is like. Thank you so much for partnering with me, in searching and reaching the lost with the Love of Jesus.