Let us Shine

Be what people need, don’t be another hollow voice adding to the chaos. Allow Gods voice and power echo through your own. Take up your Cross and change lives!

For some people we will be the only expression of Jesus they will ever have! Let’s love with all of our hearts. Let us forgive and be careful how we respond and treat others. Let us live the life Christ gave us with a passion and resolve that burns up anger and hate with mercy and kindness. Let Christ shine through your actions.

Jesus is Crazy about you!

Jesus is Crazy about you. He would swim ????‍♂️ the farthest ocean ????

He would climb the highest mountain ⛰

He would burst through a burning house ???? just for you.

You are his and he loves you very much!

I made this to kind of show you there is no place he wouldn’t go for you!

Jesus stands with you

The other day I was at the lake and I looked down & saw my shadow. When I saw it looked like Jesus was standing there. So I made this video to capture what I saw. Jesus stands with you in your troubles, your pain & your doubts. You are never alone Jesus is always there you can talk to him. He loves you and wants to meet your needs!

The gospel through Magnets

I decided to make a video on the gospel with stuff I found laying around my Mother-in-laws house ????

Try something different at work, home or in your social life! be bold let people know who you belong too! Don’t hold back anymore let the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire you! It’s time to show people who you really are!

Story of Man

Jesus Loves you! You can trust him he will not let you fall. Here is a simple illustration of what God did for us & what happens when we give our lives to Christ! You can do this Illustration with anyone just get some glass cups a pint of bleach some iodine & water ???? and your ready to rock and roll ????

May you know the Love of God the Grace of Jesus & the Friendship of the Holy Spirit ????


Jesus loves you & it’s time for the world to see our love for him! Let’s let the whole world ???? know who Jesus is & what He has done for us through the cross! Let’s step out & start proclaiming Christ boldly. Here is an example of something you can do on social media.

Get creative & share what Christ has done