Belize It or Not, It’s a New Year!

Happy New Year guys!  Since our last update, we have been in a lot of places… 

  • Belize
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  •  El Salvador

I’m so excited to say that God has really been moving and has been using a lot of different platforms to enable us to share the gospel and pray for people.  We’ve been walking through streets of thousands of people, speaking at churches and training schools, interviewed for a morning talk show as well as being on various news stations.

Check out this video of us on the Morning talk show in Belize  where we got to share the gospel to a viewing audience of over 200,000 people!

I am so blown away, God is really touching people through the cross.

Here’s some pics from our trips.  Hope you enjoy!  Some are silly and some are sweet, as always.

Here’s some pics from Belize…

Trying New Tactics!!!

We got to share Jesus at a university in Belize.  There were so many people open to Jesus.

We literally went from table to table sharing with people how they could give their lives to Jesus and praying for them

Pictures from Honduras…

We got to carry the cross in Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras for two days, where we were interviewed by the news again and got to walk with thousands.

My friend Scott McBrayer walked with me every step of the way.  He’s the man!                              
 Here are some pics from Nicaragua…
We got to carry the cross through a giant Nativity festival.  There were thousands of people.  We handed out tracts and shared the love of Christ.

Nativity festival was packed.  It was so much fun.  We ran out of tracts in the first 10 minutes.

Here are some pics from El Salvador… 
We got the awesome honor to hook up with YWAM and carry the cross through the streets of San Salvador and minister to kids and gangs. 

This is community is run by a gang.  YWAM is allowed in to do ministry with the kids.  We got to walk through the streets and pray with the gang members until the cops showed up.

Pics from the home front…

Riah and Kanon are doing great!  Loving school and having fun.

Juleigh is stuck in a bubble, what should she do??? No really, she’s still there!
We love you guys, happy New Years!  Thank you again for believing in me, for your prayers and support.  Words cant express how much you mean to us.  God Bless you and your family this year.

Love you

Riah, Kanon, Juleigh and Aric

Indians, Firewomen and a Portuguese Batman

Hey guys!

It’s been on my heart to share with you what’s going on when I carry the cross and how you can pray.

Four things are happening when I carry the cross

1. The cross is a prophetic sign and wonder to all who see it that God has come.  

2. The gospel is being shared; literally we are talking to people on the streets telling them how they can have a personal relationship with Jesus. 

3. Intercession is being lifted up for the city that people would turn their hearts back to God. 

4. People are being connected to the local church.


Here’s how you can pray for me when I’m carrying the cross…

  • God, I pray that everybody that sees the cross today would have a life changing encounter with you and give you their hearts.
  • I pray that they would be physically touched by the love of God and experience a revelation of what you did for them on the cross.
  • Father, we pray in the name of Jesus, that your Holy Spirit would be on Aric today and that you would give him divine appointments to share the gospel, opportunities to pray for the sick and power to see many cross over from death to life.

He walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me… (Portugal)

Quick Update

This summer was packed with cross journeys, worship and speaking opportunities.   Juleigh led worship for Antioch’s womens pastors conference.  She spoke at a missions training school in Seattle as well as the night training school in Waco.  Please pray for her as she now heads out to lead worship at Antioch, Dallas.  
As for me, I spoke at a mission’s training school in College Station and at Antioch, Waco youth camp. I also got to take two cross trips this summer.  Juleigh and I went to Mexico together and had a blast.  We got the wonderful privilege to lead a man to Christ.  He said he thought he was meant to meet us and we are now friends on facebook!

Portugal was the bomb!  I got to carry the cross through crowds of thousands and thousands and thousands of people!  I got to go with some great friends, Penny and Charlie Allison, Margie Atwood,  Jennifer Whiteley, Allison Todd and special guest star, Batman!

Last but not least, please pray for me as I’m headed to Belize to carry the cross in October.

Here are some more pics to enjoy.  
May Jesus be lifted up over Portugal
There were so many different nations represented in Portugal.  It was such a great trip!  People are so open

The cross beside me, the world before me.  Mexico

Every tribe, nuff said.  Youth Camp 2014
In case you were wondering our marriage is as on fire as ever.  Right Jules?

We love all of you so much, thanks for being a part of all that we do.
Aric, Juleigh, Nariah and Kanon

DC Update/Pics

DC Update/Pics

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  The DC trip was a huge win.  We got to talk to hundreds, literally hundreds of people and pray in front of the White House as well as the Capital Building.

So excited to see what God is going to do with our nation.  “All things are possible for those who trust in Him!”


I feel like God wants to resurrect America and give her new life.  While I was there I had a dream of walking through DC and there were tombstones as far as the eye could see.  As we walked past the tombstones people were coming back to life, climbing out of their graves, shining, happy and full of life.  Let it be!
Enjoy the pictures, this would not have been possible without both your prayers and financial support.

Prayer Points

  • We’re in the midst of raising financial support to meet our current needs.  At this point we could really use $500 monthly in additional support. If you would like to be a part of our financial team, please email me at…
  • Pray that God would continue to open doors for us to carry the cross and minister in various churches and training schools.

The Cross doesn’t yield!
 Praying with Lebanese believers.
Let your goodness pass before us
Read the First Amendment! “Awesome!”
Living the dream with some South Koreans!

DC Update/Pics

DC Update/Pics

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  The DC trip was a huge win.  We got to talk to hundreds, literally hundreds of people and pray in front of the White House as well as the Capital Building.

So excited to see what God is going to do with our nation.  “All things are possible for those who trust in Him!”


I feel like God wants to resurrect America and give her new life.  While I was there I had a dream of walking through DC and there were tombstones as far as the eye could see.  As we walked past the tombstones people were coming back to life, climbing out of their graves, shining, happy and full of life.  Let it be!
Enjoy the pictures, this would not have been possible without both your prayers and financial support.

Prayer Points

  • We’re in the midst of raising financial support to meet our current needs.  At this point we could really use $500 monthly in additional support. (If you would like to be a part of our financial team, please email me at “
  • Pray that God would continue to open doors for us to carry the cross and minister in various churches and training schools.


The Cross doesn’t yield!
 Praying with Lebanese believers.
Let your goodness pass before us
Read the First Amendment! “Awesome!”
Living the dream with some South Koreans!

August Cross Update

Icon Update

Icon went really well.  For those of you who don’t know ICON is our International Church Conference where we get together once every two years with our international church plants to seek God and pray.  This year was wonderful as we met in Winter Park, Colorado.  God touched Juleigh and I in a special way, it was so great to feel his presence.  Riah and Kanon had a blast in their class!

We got to carry the cross while we were in Colorado.  People stopped and talked to us and we got to pray for people.  One man even stopped, started crying handed us $50 and said Jesus is his favorite too!  We even got interviewed by a professor for a book he was writing!  So fun.

Prayer Points

  • Thank you to all who gave as ICON cost $2,200 to attend.  We still need about $1,200 to pay off our trip.
  • Pray that Jesus would speak to us concerning the next several trips.  Our current goal is to take about 6 trips per year.
  • Riah is starting preschool this year!  Please pray that we would find the right one.
Aric, Juleigh, Nariah and Kanon
Me and the fam at CHickFilA dressed as a cow
and getting free food!

We decided to be cow superheroes!

Jason Kenned carrying the cross with me in Winter Park

Jason with the cool evangelist man that stopped and prayed for us!

Who knew that crosswalks were state law in
Colorado??? With Luke Whiting

We love our peeps.  Thanks so much for following
us, giving and staying a part of our lives.

July Update: ICON

Hey Guys its been four months since we got Kanon and we are doing great. Being a family of four now is a awesome adventure. Juleigh and i are doing well and Nariah and Kanon are having a blast together. In the past few months we have added a new awesome member to our family ,took an Elevate team to the West Bank , celebrated 3 birthdays (Nariah,Juleigh and Kanons)as well as carrying the Cross in Waco.

The Next thing we are about to embark on this summer is our church planting conference ICON which is in Colorado this year. We are taking the cross to ICON our goal is to start setting up cross trips with our church plants around the world as well as carrying the cross in Colorado while we are there. We will be there from July 16-24.

Prayer points:

  • We would get to connect with our different church plants and set up future trips.


  • Pray that the power of God shows up as i carry the cross in Colorado.

  • Pray that we get the rest of the finances we still need about $2000 dollars by this Sunday.

Love you guys

Aric Smith

Elevate Trip 2011: Raleigh, North Carolina

We’re back!!!  It was a great trip, the best Elevate trip we have had so far.  God did amazing things.  Elevate saw…
  • 18 people saved
  • 17 people healed of various things
  • We held life groups every night while we were there and saw 15 visitors come each night.
  • Elevate also got to be a part of the first Celebration Service of Antioch Raleigh

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and support!  We really felt God with us.  People cried, felt the presence of God and the students experienced God in incredible ways.  It was a win all around!
I love you the most!
Aric Smith